401 West Monte Vista Avenue at Eldridge
Vacaville, CA 95688
(707) 448-5430

Live Nativity 2024

Live Nativity is a family Christmas experience that recaptures the true meaning of a Redeeming Savior that was born 2000 years ago in a stable in Bethlehem. The dramatic outdoor reenactment captures the spiritual imagination and wonder of every child, teen, and adult while employing full scale drama, Biblical back drops, live animals, and children’s and adult choirs, and special music under the direction of Jon Moore. Join us for a night in the grandstands under the starry sky, with other friends and family, enjoying complementary cocoa and cookies, and savoring a Christmas memory that will make an eternal difference in the lives of those who attend.

Please dress warmly as this in an outdoor production, the presentation will be moved indoors if it does rain on a night.

Contact our director of music Jon Moore at morsongs@gmail.com