401 West Monte Vista Avenue at Eldridge
Vacaville, CA 95688
(707) 448-5430


Sunday School/Bible Study

Sunday School is our foundational strategy for leading people of all ages to faith in Jesus and for encouraging disciples through open Bible study groups that engage people in evangelism, discipleship, ministry mobilization, fellowship, and passionate worship of the living Lord Jesus Christ. All Bible Studies are Bible and Christ centered built on the unwavering belief that God’s Word is inerrant, infallible, and verbally inspired. Sunday morning studies are equipping centers to develop mature believers demonstrating Christ-likeness in their marriages, church, community, and personal life for the glory of God and the furtherance of His Kingdom. Our Sunday School small groups meet every Sunday at 9 and 10am. Please stop by the Welcome center of the church in the Sanctuary foyer for directions to class that meets your and your families needs. 

Small Groups

The Vision of the Small Group ministry is to glorify Christ by passionately falling in love with Christ and love one another, and to mobilize for service through study of God’s inerrant, infallible, and verbally inspired Word, prayer, and fellowship. Our small groups can be found through out the week on our campus unless otherwise noted:

  • Saturday Men’s Bible Study at 7am in the Gym Complex.

  • Monday Women’s Bible Study Mondays at 3 and 6pm.

  • Wednesday Bible Study for men and women at 9:30am, 1:30pm3:30pm, and 6:30pm (Fellowship dinner at 5pm

  • Wednesday Bible Study at Paradise Valley Estates 11am

  • Wednesday Bible Study Luncheon 12pm (at local ranch)  

  • Wednesday AWANA for kids 3years old to 6th grade at 6pm

  • Wednesday Youth Group Celebration at 6:30pm.

  • Thursday BSF corporate and small group Bible Study.

    Sundays at 9 and 10:30am Sunday School for all ages.                                                             

  •  Please see our “EVENTS/CALENDAR” or contact the Church Office at 707-448-5430 for more info or an updated schedule.

Men’s Ministry

The vision of Men’s Ministry is to build Kingdom men who lead the church to passionate love for Jesus, Christlikeness, and Outreach to a hurting world through discipleship in the Word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. We accomplish our ministry mission through:

1. Weekly corporate and small group Bible Study at 7am each Saturday involving verse by verse exposition through books of the Bible from God’s inerrant, infallible and verbally inspired Word (Meeting in our Gym Complex for coffee, doughnuts, and the Word of God and prayer).

2. Fall Men’s Retreat focuses on building fellowship and spiritual disciplines in the lives of our men.

3. Community outreach to serve those we love and care about.

4. Evangelism to reach the lost.

5. Missions outreach to the world.                                                          

Women’s Ministry

Our vision is to develop women to be passionately in love with Jesus through the Word of God and prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit. Our vision is accomplished through opportunities for the women of Trinity to come together in fellowship for the purpose of spiritual development and discipleship. The women’s ministry provides weekly Bible enrichment small groups to grow women in their faith and Christ-likeness. We want to offer encouragement and support for women and families, not only in our church, but in the community. We have other planned activities and events that we hope will meet the needs of most, if not all of our ladies. Events such as the One-day Conference and the Spring or Fall Retreat are annual events, but many other activities take place throughout the year.  Check the Sunday Bulletin for times and locations.

  • Monday Women’s Bible Study at 3 and 6pm

  • Fall Retreat 

  • Special Prayer Events

  • Regular Christ & Biblically Centered Fellowship Events

  • Outreach & Mission Events to the Community and the World

Please see our “EVENTS/CALENDAR” or contact the Church Office at 707-448-5430 for more info or an updated schedule.