401 West Monte Vista Avenue at Eldridge
Vacaville, CA 95688
(707) 448-5430


JOY”, or “Just Older Youth”, reflects the heart of our Seniors’ Ministry. With joy in their hearts and a bubbling enthusiasm for the Lord and His church, our senior adults lead the way in serving in every facet of ministry at Trinity. They serve the Lord and the part of His church that meets here at Trinity in numerous ministry areas, like: AWANA, VBS, Children’s Sunday School, Children’s Choir, Live Nativity Choir, Drama and Puppet Ministry, Resounding Praise Choir, Bell Choir, Wednesday Night Meal Ministry, Ushers and Greeters Ministry, FAITH Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Men’s Ministry . . . and that’s just a short list. In addition, our seniors participate in several activities/ministries to and with senior adults.

Sunday School/Bible Study

Bible Study at 9 and 1030am is a time of small group fellowship and friendship around God’s infallible Word for teaching, equipping, and application that transforms us into the likeness of Jesus and mobilizes us for true worship and ministry. 

Monthly Outings

Each month we hop on the church bus for an outing designed for outreach and to establish and strengthen relationships where we explore the many sights of the region. From public gardens and museums, to touring factories and old ships, to our annual fall trip to Apple Hill, we spend time with each other traveling the countryside and enjoying the company of church family. Our trips usually take place on the second Tuesday of each month. Contact the Church Office for a current schedule.

Monthly Fellowships

On the fourth Tuesday of each month we gather together at 11:30am to share a meal, enjoy a program and or music, and be encouraged by a devotional from God’s Word. Contact the Church Office for the current schedule.

Encourager Ministry

Though many seniors are busy serving throughout the church, others are homebound and unable to participate. The Encouragers make regular contact with our shut-ins maintaining friendships, helping to meet needs, and sharing the Love of Christ.